Academic Publications
- Cui, A. X., Motamed Yeganeh, N., Sviatchenko, O., Leavitt, T., McKee, T., Guthier, C., … & Boyd, L. (2021). The phantoms of the opera—Stress offstage and stress onstage. Psychology of Music.
- Guthier, C., Dormann, C., & Voelkle, M. C. (2020). Reciprocal effects between job stressors and burnout: A continuous time meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Psychological Bulletin, 146(12), 1146–1173.
- Dormann, C., Guthier, C., & Cortina, J. M. (2020). Introducing Continuous Time Meta-Analysis (CoTiMA). Organizational Research Methods, 23(4), 620–650.
- Dormann, C., & Guthier, C. (2019). Successful and Positive Learning Through Study Crafting: A Self-Control Perspective. In Frontiers and Advances in Positive Learning in the Age of InformaTiOn (PLATO) (pp. 57-72). Springer, Cham.
- Dormann, C., Owen, M., Dollard, M., & Guthier, C. (2018). Translating cross-lagged effects into incidence rates and risk ratios: The case of psychosocial safety climate and depression. Work & Stress, 32(3), 248–261.
- Dormann, C., & Guthier, C. (2018). Longitudinal data collection. In P. Brough (ed.), Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology (pp. 158-169). London: Routledge.
- Guthier, C. (2018). Creating Healthier Study and Work Environments: A Continuous Time Perspective on the Causal Relations between Demands, Resources, and Burnout. Dissertation. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.
Other Publications
- Since issue 01 | 2022 own column "Facts behind the headline" in PERSONALquarterly (Haufe Verlag)
- Stegh, W. & Guthier, C. (2021). „Wie »New Work« gelingt
Altersdiversität und Arbeitsstress berücksichtigen“ - Scientific section in Report Psychologie, journal of the Professional Association of German Psychologists (Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen E.V.). -
„Erschöpft und nun? Warum es wichtiger ist, Mitarbeiter mit Burnout vor Stress zu schützen“ – Wirtschaftspsychologie Heute
- Book review „Think Like a Rocket Scientist“ by Ozan Varol
Featured in
- Forbes: Burnout Can Intensify Your Job Stress And Throw You Into A Vicious Circle
- Psychology Today: The Surprising Difference Between Stress and Burnout
- Business Insider Deutschland: The vicious circle of more and more work stress is driven even further by burnout (German)
- RBB-online: Work stress: Burn-out not a consequence but a trigger? (German)
- „Das passiert bei einem Burn-out“ – quarks. Interviewer: Rebecca Deus
„SIOP Award Winners: Meet Christina Guthier, Christian Dormann, and Manuel Voelkle, the Schmidt-Hunter Meta-Analysis Award Winners“ – SIOP. Interviewer: Liberty J. Munson
„AUSGELAUGT? Wenn Arbeit krank macht – acht Tipps gegen Erschöpfung im Job“ – stern. Interviewer: Leonie Zimmermann
„Deutsche sind erschöpft: Laut einer Studie fühlt sich mindestens die Hälfte antriebslos und müde“ – Interviewer: Christina Scheidtweiler
- „Was ist Wertschätzung“ – Neue Blickrichtung Podcast by and with Martin Hoffmann
Speaker | Author | Moderator | Consultant
Dr. Christina Guthier
D-40210 Düsseldorf
Can I help you as a speaker, author (science communication), moderator or scientific consultant on topics related to exhaustion & burnout, psychological safety and recovery? Then simply contact me directly so that we can personally discuss possibilities for collaboration.